Monday, November 25, 2019

Google Calendar Import in drupal 8

Download the Module
work for me downlod
step 1. Generate API connection
1. Go to
2. Create a project

1. Open Credentials tab and Select Create service account key;
2. Account name ‘your project name’ ,
3. Click Create and the Client Keys will be now created .
4.Download the Client Secret JSON from the details rename the downloaded file to client_secret.json.
5. Now click to  Manege to service account status is true..
Enable API Access
  1. To enable API access to the resources to go to: ‘Library’ in the left menu
  2. Search and enable Admin SDK API and Google Calendar API
Drupal 8

$settings['file_private_path'] = 'sites/default/private';

  • Make the folder under /sites/default name folder private
  • now Sturucture -> Google Calenders -> Calendar settings
  • Upload the json file that site..
  • now Sturucture -> Google Calenders +click
  • Two Option is there
1. Name
2. Google Calendar ID
    • Google Calendar ID
  • goto ->gmail -> google app -> calender -> find My Calenders -> options -> setting and share + click 

  • now find add pepole (under setting and share )+ click + past your Clint email(copy to json file).

  • Get the calender id in Integrate calendar section copy and pate Google Calendar ID and name ..

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