Thursday, November 14, 2019

What things are just not worth the effort?

You see a girl.
You notice her.
You observe her.
You stalk her.
If stars favor, you approach her and get her number.
She gives hints that she likes you.
You think she is the one.
You made up your mind that if you ever get married, it is only her.
But she doesn’t respond with the same interest.
Replace ‘she’ with ‘he’. Or scrap the entire story and consider the case when you are blindly in ‘love’ in someone.
Now close your eyes and question yourself.
Is she really what she looks like on the outside?
Will she be the same when your parents and her parents come into picture?
Will she be supportive even if you leave your job?
What if you met with an accident and can’t walk or see again? Will she be the same?
Most of the times, the girl you are seeing is a dream with an expiry date. No one is worth the heart break and years of pain and sacrifice of your career or parents.
Wake up from the dream before the expiry date approaches and explore your reality. Even if it is painful in the beginning, happiness in reality is sustainable than in your dream.
Stop chasing people who are not interested in you. No one is worth your time and life if you aren’t getting the same back.

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