Friday, December 24, 2021

How to setup drush & composer and Create virtual host with MAMP VM and Mac.

 Step 1: Install MAMP

Start:- MAMP starts manually with the click MAMP icon + click on right side button.

Step:-  How to start MAMP apache server using command.

Start:-Then use it like  sudo /Applications/MAMP/bin/

Stop:- Then use it like sudo /Applications/MAMP/bin/

Step :-  How to start MAMP sql server using command.

Start:-Then use it like cd /Applications/MAMP/bin./ 

Stop:- Then use it like cd /Applications/MAMP/bin./ 

Step 3:-  How to install the composer on mac globally.

We need to install the mamp and after that we have to check the php version if the php version command is not found to run the command which I have to share.

Then use it like  vi ~/.zshrc

Then use it like source .zshrc

Now we have to check php version simply write the terminal

  which php

 Then show line like this   /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.4.21/bin/php

Then, After we have installed the composer in our system so goto the link which i have shared

Copy all the code and the terminal.

I have shared the steps which I have followed below the screen shot.

After move to globally composer use the below command

sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

Install drush using composer command globally

composer global require drush/drush

Step 4:-  How to create the virtual host in mac.

Host file 

Step 1:- You can just open the terminal and run the comment 

=> cd  /private/etc/

Step 2:- Now you are in inside the directory simply run the command

=> ls

Step 3:- Now we need to show the hidden file like permission of the file which we need to show 

=> ls -all 

Step 4:- Now we are going to open host file show we need to use the command

=> sudo nano hosts

Ctrl + x,y => enter

Step 5: Now we have to clear our terminal so simply

Ctrl + k 

Httpd.conf Setting

Step 6: Now I am going to setting the httpd file so we have changed the directory of file 

=> cd /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache

After that we have to ran the command like

=> nano httpd.conf

And now comment the line of code which I have shared the screen shot

Step 7: Now we have to configure the Vhost file

=> cd extra/

Now show the hidden files

=>ls -al

Step 8 :Now open the httpd-vhost.conf

=>nano httpd-vhosts.conf

Now we can restart the system and also restart the apache server


=> Start the apache

sudo /Applications/MAMP/bin/

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