Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Link fields from Twig Using the Link Attributes widget contributed module and debugging

 Drupal Tips: Link fields from Twig Using the Link Attributes widget contributed module

Link Attributes widget

It’s also quite possible that you have added the contrib module ‘Link Attributes’ for adding some extra widgets to the Link field. For instance, this is a very common configuration for saving values in target attribute. After passing by /admin/structure/types/manage/article/form-display and select link with attributes for your Link field display, now you have got something like this:

For block type:-

Step1:- Create the field in a block_type

Step 2: - Goto the manage from display setting link :- /admin/structure/block-content/manage/block_link/form-display see the screen shot

Step 3:- Goto again manage fields click on edit button See the screen shot

Click on attribute button:-

Get the Attribute Content in a twig:-

Debug without using devel


Twig block type  render the data

<a href="{{ content.field_link[0]['#url']|render }} " target="{{ content.field_link[0]['#url'] }}" class="{{ content.field_link[0]['#url'].options.attributes.class }}"> {{ content.field_link[0]['#title']|render }} </a>

Step 1: Full link data
{{ dump() }}

Step 2: Only link data
{{ dump(
content.field_link) }}

Step 3: Get the Url data

Step 4: Get the options->attibutes->target data

{{ dump(content.field_link[0]['#url'] }}

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