Monday, December 9, 2019

What is something you learned very late in life, but wish you knew much earlier?

    Good Looks matter

    You can earn money in lots of ways

    The gym is the only way to get a good looking and toned body if you feel you don’t look good

    Hardwork never fails

    Do not waste your time on love life, firstly be settled. Your career should be your priority.

    Never be friends with your ex or their friends too.

    Friends are temporary

    True love never leaves you even if you hated them

    Nowadays love is fake

    You are the one only your own god. There is no God.

    Never share your secrets with anyone,

    Never be friends with colleagues/office mates, sometimes it goes wrong what we expect from them,

    Girls don't like to marry a struggling guy,

    Stay and eat healthily, start exercising,

    Help others whenever you can,

    Do not underestimate someone by their looks

    Everyone is better at something than you,

    Money can't buy friendship or love,money can buy friendship or love.

    Happiness comes from within, not from money,

    Don’t do the job, if you don’t like doing it,

    Follow your passion,

    Facebook/Instagram /social media/novels just waste of time waste products just stay away from it.

    Create your own things, establishes your own story.

    Learn from your mistakes,

    Do not forget your past,

True love doesn't come from your look s or your money,

Thank you.

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